After only one week into his presidency, Trump passed an executive order to ban the travel of all immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries, including Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen, to the United States. The ban included people with a valid visa (e.g. student visa, tourist visa, immigrant...
Federal law allows undocumented children in the U.S. who have been victims of abuse, abandonment, or neglect by a parent to apply for humanitarian protection under the Special Immigration Juvenile Status (SIJS) program. SIJS-eligible children must first be placed under the custody of an individual or entity appointed by a...
As of August 29, 2016, the provisional waiver process has been expanded to all individuals who are statutorily eligible for the waiver of unlawful presence ground of inadmissibility. Previously, the provisional waiver was only available to spouses and sons/daughters of U.S. citizens. Under the new expansion, the waiver is now...
If you were recently hired by an employer in the United States and are relying on the approval of an H-1B visa to work for such employer, it is highly important that your H-1B visa petition is filed as soon as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) begins accepting...